Day Five, July 30th

Originally published on Facebook July 31st, 12:42 am

Day Five, July 30th

The day began with cool, drizzly rain. I just want to take a moment to mention that the weather has been a lovely mix of warm sunshine with temps in the 80s and also the occasional downpour of rain. So refreshing!

For breakfast, we were served french toast, eggs with ham, fruit, bacon, and galletas terrones (which I heard were delicious and taste like a sweet biscuit.)

After breakfast, we continued with another day of VBS. We worshiped all together in Spanish (our American kids are doing a fantastic job singing in another language,) and some of the kids had a lot of fun playing the “mummy game,” where the fastest to wrap their partner with streamers wins.

Andie gave a powerful Gospel lesson on God as Father, while sharing some of her own testimony with the kids. I was able to witness a really sweet moment as Andie prayed with one of the 15 year old girls who wanted to know how to accept Christ as her Savior. Additionally, the kids played lots of soccer and worked on fun crafts to remind them truths about God and who they are in Christ.

After lunch today we had an opportunity to walk around the outside of the Foundation to see progress on the new school being built and to pray boldly for how God will use this space to bless the community here. Mela is very excited to be able to provide free education not only for the girls at the orphanage, but also for the neighborhood around them. She hopes the school will be completed by the end of the year.

This afternoon we continued with our tree trimming and painting projects around the property. Andie, Taylor, Jordan, and I also set to work organizing one of the tool sheds. You wouldn't believe how much space we made in that room by the time we were done! We pulled almost everything out so we could put things back in, and of course by the time we had it all outside and roughly organized, it started to rain. All available hands were on deck to get everything back in the pouring rain. Many of us have wet shoes we need to dry out before work projects start up again tomorrow!

Dinner tonight was another big hit, with Monica and Armando making us delicious beef and pork tacos with fresh onion, cilantro, and tomatillo and spicy red salsa as toppings. After dinner, our team shared the Father's House mural and skit that we had spent much time painting and practicing before we left for the trip. Jacob, Kaitlyn, and Wes shared their testimonies during the skit. A boy from the Puerto Vallarta foundation also shared with us his story of accepting Christ afterward, and Mike and Sarah shared testimonies as well. We had a captive audience and I think it was one of the few times I've experienced the whole group quietly listening.

Team time at the end of the evening has been such a great time to reflect and share and praise God for all He's doing in the lives here at the Foundation. It's also a time for laughs and connection. The quote of the night came from Asher when he shared with us how evangelism is like golf. He's not wrong about that, but you'll have to ask Asher about his thoughts on that sometime.

Although we are missing family at home and there has been some mild discomfort, we are all doing really well here. There has been so much beauty in our shared experiences here in the last five days. We can't wait to share more with you soon.

Laura (on behalf of the team)


Day Six, July 31st


Day Four, July 29th